
The widget allows you to collect feedback from your customers without leaving your site/app rather than sending your customers to your Convas page. (your-company.convas.io)

If you activate our auto-login feature, your users will be automatically authenticated using their existing user accounts so they can share feedback without a hassle.

It's easy to set up. It's almost like adding a Google Analytics script tag to your site.

Setup for web

Important: Using a custom domain for Convas is required to use the widget. The widget can only be used on that domain, using it on any other domain will result in authentication errors. This is due to browser security updates related to cross-domain cookies. For example, with the custom domain "feedback.example.com" you can use the widget on example.com including all subdomains.

To install the widget on your web app simply copy and paste the snippet below before the </body> tag on every page where you want the Convas widget to appear for your customers.

Change the customDomainUrl to the custom domain you have configured for your Convas page.

(function(w, d, s, o, f, js, fjs) { w[o] = w[o] || function() { (w[o].q = w[o].q || []).push(arguments); }; (js = d.createElement(s)), (fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]); js.id = o; js.src = f; js.async = 1; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); })(window, document, 'script', '_convas_sdk', 'https://convas.io/static/convas-sdk.js'); 
window._convas_sdk('init', {
  customDomain: 'feedback.example.com',
  widget: {
    enabled: true,
    showLauncher: true

That's it! The Convas widget should now appear on your page. If you want to auto-login your users and pass user data to Convas for advanced segmentation, read our Convas Identify documentation.

Custom color for widget icon

To define a custom color to use for the widget launcher icon, you can update the script tag above with an extra setting for the widget.

widget: {
    enabled: true,
    showLauncher: true,
    primaryColor: "#bd34c8" // Define any color you want here

Setup for android

Widget support for android is not ready yet. Is this important to you? Let us know and upvote it here.

Setup for iOS

Widget support for iOS is not ready yet. Is this important to you? Let us know and upvote it here.