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Product roadmap template - Google Sheets

Google Sheets Product roadmap template
Mark Sharpe

Looking for a Google Sheets template to manage your product roadmap? Get our free template. Google Sheets is a great tool to build and share your roadmap with your team.

Product roadmap template - Google Sheets

Download the template here

Here's how the template works

1. Open the template & download a copy (File / Make a copy)

2. Manage your features and their status on the Features tab.

  • Enter your feature in the Feature column.
  • Set the status of the feature in the status drop-down to show it on the roadmap: Planned, In Progress, Complete, or Under Review. Features with status set to Open are not shown on the Roadmap.
  • Add any optional information that you want to track such as Effort, Details, etc.

3. View your roadmap on the Roadmap tab. The Roadmap is generated from the Features tab. Don't make edits on the Roadmap tab.

Note: If you want to customize the statuses, update the text in the "Status input" fields on the Features tab (update the status manually for existing features).

I hope you find this template useful. If you decide to upgrade from Google Sheets, you should give Convas a try (we have a free plan to get you started).

If you're planning to share your roadmap publicly, there are better tools than Google Sheets. With Convas, you will have a roadmap page that you can share publicly. Here's our own roadmap. You can also check out our post with tools and examples to build a public product roadmap.

You may also be interested in Convas, everything you need to manage your customer feedback.

Feedback page

Convas helps SaaS & startups gather and prioritize customer feedback to build better products. Get visibility into what will move the needle for your customers and keep them in the loop.

Your customers can share, discuss and upvote feedback in one organized place. Stay in control without messy spreadsheets, emails and Slack notifications.

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